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Ant Control

Our team of certified technicians are professionally trained to swiftly and effectively resolve your ant problems. As a certified member of the BPCA, Verida adheres to the British Standard for Pest Management, ensuring top-quality service.

Get rid of them ants!

Certain ant species, such as Pharaoh ants, can be effectively managed with toxic baits. However, for other species, using toxic residual sprays is more effective. Successfully eliminating ants often requires locating their nest and treating the colony directly. Our professionals have the expertise to accurately identify your ant species and apply the most suitable treatment.

Ant Behaviour

Ants are social insects that live in colonies composed of workers, queens, and their young.

The workers forage for food, build the nest, and care for the young and the queen(s). The queen's sole function is to lay eggs, and a colony may have one or multiple queens, depending on the species.

Swarms of flying black garden ants observed on hot sunny days consist of winged male and female ants. These ants fly out to establish new colonies in new locations. During the nuptial flight, the ants mate, and the male dies shortly afterwards. The queen then finds a suitable nesting site, sheds her wings, and spends the winter there before founding a new colony the following spring.

Ants undergo complete metamorphosis, meaning their life cycle includes distinct stages: eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. The larvae are tended to by the workers. Most adult black garden ants are workers, but after two or three years, the colony matures and begins to produce flying ants annually.

Have a question? check these answers.

Ants are attracted to food sources, water, and shelter. Identifying the source of attraction is crucial in addressing the issue.

If you regularly observe lines or trails of ants traversing a specific area, it may suggest the presence of a nest nearby. Noticing a significant congregation of ants in a particular spot, particularly indoors, is a clear indication of a nest nearby. Certain nests might be visible, particularly outdoors, with piles of soil or sandy patches serving as obvious indicators.

The duration needed can vary depending on the extent of the infestation and the selected method of control. The involvement of our certified pest control professionals frequently accelerates the process.

Maintain cleanliness in shared areas by ensuring all food is properly sealed and stored away. Identify and seal off any evident entry points for pests, and consider reaching out to our pest control specialists, particularly if the issue persists or is substantial in scale.

Although uncommon, certain species of ants, such as carpenter ants, have the capability to cause harm to wood and potentially pose a threat to electrical systems.

Store food in airtight containers, promptly clean up any crumbs and spills, seal entry points, and uphold good sanitation practices.

Take note of their size, colour, and behaviour. Get in touch with us for assistance in eliminating your ant problem.

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