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Pigeons, scientifically referred to as Columba livia, encompass a species of bird with 350 recognised varieties. The most common members of the Columbidae family include the feral pigeon, wood pigeon, and collared dove (ring-necked dove). With an estimated population of 10 to 15 million in Europe, they are considered the most significant pests associated with human dwellings.

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Pigeons are frequently regarded as pests due to their prolific breeding, tendency to roost in urban structures, and the damage their droppings cause to buildings, vehicles, and public spaces. Additionally, their droppings can transmit diseases.

Pigeon droppings can harbour harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites, presenting health risks to humans. Inhaling dried pigeon droppings can cause respiratory problems, and contact with contaminated surfaces may lead to infections.

Preventing pigeons from roosting involves using deterrents such as bird spikes, netting, and visual repellents. Regularly cleaning areas where pigeons roost can also discourage them from staying.

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