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Textile Pests

Textile pests do not transmit diseases or bite humans, and as such, they are not regarded as a threat to human health.

Carpet Beetles

Varied carpet beetles are round, measuring approximately 2 to 4mm in length, similar in size to a ladybird. They are mottled with black, white, and gold. Each female lays up to 100 eggs during spring and early summer on furs, wool, and natural fibres. These eggs hatch into hairy, brown larvae, commonly referred to as woolly bears.

Woolly bears shun light and curl into a ball when disturbed. It is the larvae that inflict damage on natural fibres as they feed and grow.

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Clothes moths

Clothes moths measure between 4 and 8mm in length, with a wingspan spanning 10 to 15mm and adorned with lengthy antennae. They typically exhibit a straw-coloured hue or a mottled brown shade, featuring wings edged with fringes. Similar to carpet beetles, it is the larvae that inflict harm.

The larvae of common clothes moths appear creamy in colour and can reach lengths of about 10mm. They fashion a shelter using silk and fabric for daytime rest; meanwhile, case-bearing clothes moth larvae fashion a ‘sleeping bag’ from silk and fibres, which they constantly carry while moving about. It takes up to 9 months for the larvae to reach maturity, resulting in only one lifecycle per year.

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