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Veterinary waste encompasses all types of clinical waste produced in the practice of veterinary medicine. This includes used medical supplies, body fluids, and materials that may have come into contact with hazardous substances.

Main types of veterinary waste

There are several primary types of veterinary waste, which may include:

Sharps waste
This category encompasses used needles, syringes, and other medical instruments that are sharp or could cause punctures.
Body fluids and tissues
This includes veterinary waste such as blood, urine, and other bodily fluids and tissues that may have come into contact with infectious agents or other hazardous substances.
Chemical and pharmaceutical waste
This category encompasses waste such as unused or expired medications, as well as chemicals employed in the cleaning and sterilisation of medical equipment. Proper management of these various types of veterinary waste is crucial to preventing the spread of infectious diseases and safeguarding the health and safety of people, animals, and the environment.

Recommended Waste Disposal Solutions

Sharps waste
Infectious Waste Disposal
Offensive Waste
Pharmaceutical waste
Waste Electronic and Electric Equipment
Chemical Waste